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Trailer Two Options

Trailer with English Subtitles

"In the country of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity,
in this new Europe without borders, besieged by fear and intolerance,
a Polish immigrant will have to face the reality of racism"

"TWO OPTIONS" is a short film written, shot and completely post-produced in 5 days, during a filmmakers’ laboratory in France.

We have constructed this short film through a series of restrictions imposed by the production’s context (5 days for the full creation process) and also the limits self imposed by the director: economy of shots, use of still camera, just two characters and two locations.

We begin the film with a formal treatment, with shots from the inside of the van, with she same character as the axis of all the scenes, using the interior of the vehicle to create a frame within a frame and inside this frame within a frame we have our main character, Polish, that throughout the film becomes a hostage himself.

"TWO OPTIONS" is a short film about racism, immigration and the refugee crisis.
We wanted to tell this story from a different angle, having the audience’s disinformation as one of the main axes of the short film.
Not knowing what’s going on is also extended to the relationship between Polish and his companion. Throughout their conversations, apparently without any consequence, we shape the personalities of both characters, paying special attention to the dynamics of power between them.

In the last scene, at last, we understand the situation, and it’s at this point when a new conflict arises… .
A conflict that Polak didn’t consider and when he understands, suddenly, that he has no scape.


"TWO OPTIONS" was created at Kinoctambule, an International Filmmaker's Laboratory in France.
The rules of this laboratory are simple: write, shoot and make the post production of a short film in 5 days.

Arriving to a new place and meeting more than 100 professionals from very diverse disciplines, from more than 15 different countries, is a dream come true.
At the same time, having to create, shoot and post produce a short film in 5 days, working with people you have never worked with, that you didn’t even know 24 hours ago, is an unique challenge.

"TWO OPTIONS" is a short film that is very dear to me.

The subject it deals with and how it deals with it, the spectacular performances by Jan, Noël and Mohanad, the way in which we had to adapt in order to plan, shoot and post produce this film; the amazing technical and artistic team I was lucky to work with...

I’m very proud of this short film.

We hope you enjoy it.